Welcome to my little Animal Crossing blog! Here you will find info and screenshots of my different towns, along useful stuff like QRs I have made and other people's useful tools and info ^^

I started playing Animal Crossing back in 2005 with Wild World, on a town I shared with my sister she named Otakuland. Since I was just 5 years old back then my memory of it is fuzzy, but I remember I played it daily after school while I waited my mom to pick me from my grandma's house.

That town didn't last long, but in 2009 I was gifted ACCF and that's when my love for Animal Crossing really started, to the point I decide which consoles to buy depending on if they released a mainline AC game on it or not :'p

You can also find me on The Bell Tree forums as Michito (Not active rn).

☝ A drawing of Lolly I made, I was trying to cope because she moved in and destroyed a giant mural I was making instead of placing her home in a empty space lol


Fonts: Cherry Swash, HKGrotesk-Light
Textures: ErenaeErae
AC pixels: Re:Hoeass

Everything else is either from official sources or done by me

Ver 2.0

On May 2024 I gave this page a fresh coat of paint.
I made this blog 2 years ago and have been wanting to remake it for pretty long since the old version was just... not nice to read.

I kept the same page structure, but made everything a bit simpler, more cutesy and most importantly, easier to the eyes.
I still think the links/page are a bit messy though, so I will probably remodel stuff again somday.

I you want to check the old layout, I archived the ACFC page here