Gekkoukan High School

Yukari Takeba
October 19th, 1993
Blood type:
Gekkoukan High School, Class 2F
Archery, SEES
Posts β˜†
Welcome to Yukarichi β˜†β˜† [Ver 2.0] ! A digital shrine dedicated to Yukari Takeba from Persona 3!

I find Yukari to be one of the best written female characters on the new Persona games but it makes me sad how she's overly hated, so I wanted to give her a piece on my site (and with luck, make others to appreciate her as well)

This shrine is still a WIP, check the updates to see which pages are worked on (^^)

You can also hover over each navi link for a description on what's is inside

This layout is based on her mock-up blog from the Persona 3 Portable fanbook, edited a bit.

September 2024 β™‘ β™‘ Hello again!

Long time no see!
I hope you enjoyed Reload (if you were able to play it, unlike me :'p)
Let's see this shrine timeline...

2021 ~ I made the very first version. It was my second coding project and remained as a complete empty page until...
2022 ~ Here I got a sudden brust of inspiration and remade the whole shrine from the gound-up, and this time I actually wrote a few sections
2023 ~ Did nothing here, main website didn't see many updates either.

And this takes us to 2024. My laptop broke and I lost all of my website's files...

I got memory problems and also find very hard to recall things, be it stuff I did a week ago or stories' plot. So as you can imagine, a page where I talk about a character and her story/acctions on various is a titanic effort on my part.
That's mostly why this shrine has been so abandoned since its start. And my files getting lost didn't help either.

In June 2023 when I saw Reload's announcement I couldn't have felt more excited. Both because I love P3 and because I could writte down notes and finally fill this page.
Unnafortunaly, employement gods hate me. So I'm still jobless. And PS5-less. I did pre-order P3RE though lmao it had been sitting on my shelves for months.

The good news is that I decided to participate on Small Web September with this page!
There's only 15 days of September left so I won't be able to finish this fully, but I will do my best to start writting, even if they're just 50-100 words a day.

I also hacked my PS3 recently, so I started to play vanilla P3 (^-^) Since I only can play for around 5h per week, it will take me long to complete but it will help me as well

Honestly even just writting this post motivated me to continue working on the shrine.
Here goes for a Yukatastic (?) end of a year!!
June 2022 β™‘ β™‘ About 2.0

My pottery teacher always tell us that if we have been throwing the same piece for more than 15 minutes and we are unable to finish/fix it by then, we have to pick it up, destroy it, go take some fresh air and start it over again.
Even if you dont notice it, you learnt something by making that piece and there's no point in keeping up with it if something went wrong or you're unable to continue, all you will get is frustrated and that energy will transfer to the piece. The best thing you can do is to start fresh with a calm mind and apply what you learnt onto the new one. Pottery also taught me that the most important thing is to be clean and to have a strong ground to support you on

...and that was an unnecessarily long and complicated way to say that I remade this shrine from the ground up because I don't know how to code!
This shrine was the 2nd thing I have ever coded, my first being my site's original layout. I'm surprised I managed to pull it off actually! But the code was very messy and didn't want to behave, so I decided to revamp it since I now after 7 months know 5% more of coding.
Now the code is way cleaner and actually works like intended ^^
This time around I did not want to replicate her blog 100%, I kept the overall design because I wanted people to recognize it, but decided to change colors, fonts, a few small changes and make my own graphics for it. Hopefully you share my views and think it looks better than the original version!

Ver 1.0 is still available here. Lost due to laptop breaking :(

(btw: my teacher breaks our stuff even if we don't want when we hit the time limit or he considers the piece is not salvageable lol But it's a good technique for some stuff actually!)

β˜†Profile pic

About Yukari
β™₯ Official art (25)
β™₯ Merch (11)
β™₯ Why I like her (15)
β™₯ Ships (7)
My friend
@ Gekkoukan
Yukarichi Β© Drawcia, 2024
Yukari and Persona 3 are property of Atlus. No copyright infringement is intended. This is a non-comercial fan-site