Original Team

Name: Cinda
Trainer ID: 18980
Year: 2011
Active?: No, pokemon rescued

Remeber my HGSS team comprosed by the grand total of a single pokemon? This team is the opossite of that, I dont know what was i on when i played
Sun/Moon doesnt save the Gen 5 Elite 4 ribbons for some reason, so I dunno which pokemon were on my team back then, but I remember I used all of these 11 during the main game.
I don't have much to say about these pokemon tbh, but as a fun fact my parents bought me a 3DS along with White2, but they didn't know the console doesn't come with a charger so I wasn't able to play with it until a few days later lol.

Lv. 89
My starter, its evos are ugly so I kept him tiny

Lv. 78
So mean males are the prettier ones

Lv. 87
Caught as female & evolved into a male, so I had to remove him from the team. He was later used on the post-game though.
I'm thinking on using hacks to turn it back into a girl

Lv. 82
Ampharos is so cute, but I had never trained one before!

Lv. 79
One of th best Gen 5 pokemon, and strong on top!

Lv. 71
Another one of my favorite Gen 5 pokemon & my first Lilligant (I have many)

Lv. 72
It's 1st evo is so so so so cute, I'm in love. The whole line is great honestly.

Lv. 89
How could people hate on Gen 5 when it gave us Chandelure.

Lv. 35
Named after one of the stray cats I took care of back then.
I had to trop him off mid-game when I decided I wanted a female-only team (Tepig stayed on my team though, son boy allowed)

Lv. 50
wWs a Lillipup for most of the game, but eventually evolved it after thinking Herdier wasnt too ugly. I'm currently considering evolving him to his 3rd evo, I think I find it a bit more appealing now than when I was 14.

Lv. 97
My first GTS pokemon, and what a lucky one! Female and with a nickname, almost as if the other person was aware this was gonna be my first traded pokemon.
The trading was "Bitzle -> Vaporeon", I'm surprised someone even accepted it

Second Team

Name: Cinda
Trainer ID: 00277
Year: 2014
Active?: Yes

My current savefile. The only thing I regret about deleting my original file was losing my Pokegear backgrounds & Wi-Fi musicals lol

Lv. 68
Aries ~ March 4th 2014
The starter, with her I have now picked all of Unova's starters on different savefiles! I think they're all great, it's so hard to find a favorite one

Lv. 66
LadyGiygas ~ March 5th 2014
I'm scared of bugs, especially centipedes, but this one turned into one of my favorite pokemon, it just looks so cool!

Lv. 67
Natura ~ March 5th 2014
One of my 864165 Lilligants, they're so pretty I need to have one on every game they're available!
She's Aries' princess

Lv. 65
Leche ~ March 5th 2014
She HATES getting dirty and HATES me for making her use dig.
In a hate/love relationship with Felimina, no one knows in which way they want the other's throat.

Lv. 66
Felimina ~ March 4th 2014
As proud as Leche, but doesn't mind getting her hands dirty

Lv. 71
The only one from the team that went on a trip to another region. She carries a huge sunflower with her so she can use solar beam

PC box

Lv. 35
The way I couldnt fit Termineitor on the nickname box angered me so much lmao.
Yeah, its written Terminator, but I was like 12 and not a eng native speaker

Lv. 55
I dont recall training this one, but considering its level I guess I did??
Another one of my favorite Gen 5 pokemon. I don't care what people think of it, this region was full of amazing designs.

Lv. 62
French Bat
....This one confuses me even more

Lv. 68
Corona ~ September 29th 2020
Corona as in Crown in spanish, but also because of the pandemic lmao.

Lv. 100
A super pretty and strong pokemon I got by accident. There was (is?) a network that you could connect to your DS and get event pokemon, but if you didn't send the pokemon you want, it would give you a random one from the GTS.
This was the one I got, the original OT is "FSP 00000" and was found at lv.56 on March 16th 2013