Original Team

Name: My IRL name
Trainer ID: 13384
Year: 2022
Active?: Yes, paused

I started this one out of boredom last year, but never finished it because I didn't feel like grinding.
I want to continue it eventually & complete its pokedex to the best of my abilities though. A living dex sounds fun.

Lv. 30
Yes, my Kanto starter is always squirtle. Yes, all of them are named Tortoise.
(It's because my 1st PMD Blue character)

Lv. 23
You can never have too many reginal birds named Reina.

Lv. 29
Technically just a worse Clefary, but I couldn't pass the oportunity to have my 2nd fav pokemon on my team.

Lv. 29
I'm unsure if having 3 Moon Stone Pokemon on my team was a great idea, but they're just too cute...

Lv. 29
La Toxica
I'm not a fan on Nidoqueen but i love Nidorina... Should I evolve her..?

PC box

I don't have much to say about my non-party Pokemon, but my friend found the nicknames funny.

Lv. ??
Bad Gyal
I'm curious about how many levels will a pokemon gain if I leave them on the daycare during the whole game (until I beat the Elite 4), so she's currently there.

Lv. 15
An in-game trade, idk how to pronounce his name to I call him chochin (funny way of saying pussy in spanish)

Lv. 5
Lesbian Jr.
The succesor of LESBIANS!!!, my shiny caterpie from Pokemon Moon.

Lv. 5
To evolve into Metapod.

Lv. 4
To evolve into Buterfree

Lv. 4
Taco Wapo
For some reason... I feel this isn't the first time I named a Weedle that.

Lv. 4
Taco Feo
To evolve into... whatever its second evolution was.

Lv. 4
Ta Potente
To evolve into Beedrill.

Lv. 15
La bolilla
Just a little orb

Lv. 18
La Pequeña Salchichita
"L-Peq.Sch" in-game due to character limit. Diglett was my fav pokemon when I was 3 and I called it that. They're jus a little sausage, so true...

Lv. 13
She's just here to use Flash