
How I started playing

Before the DS I had played a few other consoles. My first was one of these 100-in-1 consoles (it was actually just a blue controller connected to the TV, I wonder if anyone outside my town had one. It seemed to be a local thing), but I also liked to play Pokemon Crystal on my cousin’s GBC when I visited her.

But the year the DS released my aunt won a small lottery prize and she bought my sister and I a DS for Christmas, making it my first actual console ^^

We are from a low income family, so I could only buy 2 games per year and my sister had to like it as well, but despite how few games I had, I spent way too many hours a kid should spent playing video games, I even brought my DS to the hospital and church lol

Everyone and their grandma had a DS in the 200s, so I have lots of memories of playing games with my friends, family and complete strangers (kids) I found at events who brought their DS as well.

Back in 2006 us girls had a "secret" club in school where we would smuggle our DS to the bathroom (it was pretty spacious and with a small stage) and play Nintenogs together.
It was a complete mess because all the DS would connect at the same time and it was so har to play with the specific person you wanted lmao.

To this day, I still play with my DS almost daily and find new favourites, I swear this console is a never ending treasure trove.

I was one of the few people that didn’t own a R4 back then (we didn’t had internet connection to order one), but in 2020 I finally bought one and thanks to it my love for this console returned now, I’m discovering so many gems I had to miss when I was little

My DS consoles

The Chunky - 2005
My original DS, the one my aunt bought for us. I played with it until it gave its last breath, first the top screen died (it looked as if they were scratched internally) but that didn’t stop me, I played Mario Kart using the bottom screen minimap lmao.
But then it stopped charging… We took it for repair, but the guy said we should simply buy a new one since the price difference wasn’t big. My father threw it on the nearest trash bin and I broke my heart jhsdf
Mr. Link - Circa 2007
Our first DS Lite, my parents bought it for my sister’s birthday. It still works, but like 90% of Lites in existence, the hinge broke and with it the top screen’s usability (it displays colors wrongly). I also seemed to play with dinosaur strength and the D-pad is completely destroyed.
Nowadays I only use it for stuff like evolving TWEWY pins or mystery finds in PMD.
Kitty - Circa 2009
The first console that was fully mine, my parents gifted me it for Christmas. It used to have glittery puffy Hello Kitty stickers, but for some reason I seem to have removed them ages ago… It looks fine inside, but the outside is so bad lol
It works perfectly if it weren’t for the hinge, if you aren’t playing action games it’s still useful. Have been using it until not long ago.
The babe ~ 2020

When I was little, I really wanted one of the coloured DS Lites, but my parents always bought the white one because it came with a free game.
Now that I had a R4 and started to play with my DS again, I needed one that was more comfortable to play action games in, so I decided to make my inner child happy and looked for a pink DS Lite as a self Christmas gift.

I couldn’t have made a better decision, this is the CUTEST console ever and I’m determined to never let it break, I keep it open 90% of the time to not damage the hinge lol.
Thanks you British mother for selling me this wonderful machine for just $25.

Sprites by Spriters Resoruce | Nintendo DS font by Esmieimse | Other images are official art or photos taken by me