💙 Analysis ~ What went wrong with Septentrione arc's plot? 💙

This is very long and without pics, so I'm sorry for the huge wall of text!
This morning, I opened my eyes and had to Speak.
Made a huge Twitter thread about DeSu2.
Then went back to sleep for 30 minutes more lmao

So here's what I talked about in the thread in a more clear format. Last night I started to think why the original DeSu2's story felt pretty weak, specially when I enjoyed lots the Triangulum arc and the first Devil Survivor.

I have spoken elsewhere about my issues with some of the characters' writting before, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what about the story bugged me....
Until now!

So, MID SPOILERS HEAD + this will focus exclusively on the story, not the characters or their writting!
Those are another can of worms haha.

Btw I have been trying to make a cute Yamato Mii for my Tomodachi island with no luck...

💙 The lockdown
First things first, most people say they dislike how the lockdown isn't as strong as in DeSu1.

This one confuses me because well, there isn't a lockdown per se in DeSu2 to start with.
I guess cutting roads, communication and such counts, but isn't like they were forcing people to stay in place (iirc)

People were trapped because everything was destroyed, the very start of the game is the main group looking for a safe place to stay and then trying to go back home.
Not like having a lockdown would affect you (the main party) tho since JPs are exempt from it.

And I don't think not having one is a bad thing at all. DeSu is at its core, about surviving like its name says. Just look at Izuna, the other guy and the police/gov in DeSu1, despite having more freedom of movement they were still in deep trouble.

The full-on lockdown and how was it used in DeSu1 was amazing, but it isn't necessary for a Devil Survivor game imo, it was just a good setting. So we can rule that out.

💙 JPs
Next issue is the sense of safety. The general consensus is that because you join JPs and so have access to water, food and a place to sleep, all the threats seem lesser.

This is true BUT I doubt it is the deal breaker. Again, look at Izuna etc in DeSu, despite having (supposedly) stockpile for most of the game they were still in trouble.

So while being in JPs did let you rest and prepare in advance, no amount of bread (thanks you Daichi) will spare you from demon/alien-made catastrophes, especially considering the nature of DeSu2's main danger.
Saiduq is the only danger you can soothe with a nice meal and a warm drink lol

When your basic needs are covered, then the danger comes exclusively from outside. And that's where the Septemtrione arc fails often.

💙 The void
The main threat AND the main culprit. Most of my issues are derived or have the same problems as how they handled The Void™ (Was it even called that? I forgot lol)

Honestly, the threats in DeSu2 are pretty fucked up. But despite that they fail to have any weight.
The Void happens throughout the game, you can see Japan's map on the top screen become smaller and smaller & the characters remind you of it relatively often.

But does it affect you, the player, in any way? Nope!

No matter how much the void expands, everything remains the same up until the very last day (and a bit the day before it). The void can eat all the chunks of Japan it wants you will still be able to travel to all the locations you could since the start of the game.

And for a danger that is so physical, not being able to feel its consequences makes it feel an empty threat.

The way Desu2 handles travel is different from DeSu1 (getting a list of specific places with stuff going on rather than a full list of them), so it would've needed a rework.
But the point is that if they had made the void impact the player in some way, like limiting the places you can go to as the game progresses or visual representation of the void consuming the maps (the latter was done but only in the last 2 days) it would have caused a stronger impression.

But yeah "This thing is deleting the world but you can still travel as if nothing happened" doesn't do much to make it appear dangerous.
I know the towers are what are keeping those places fine but idk... If that's the case, change how strong they are, their range or something. Let one of the Septentriones destroy one of the towers of the places you visit to see it disappear slowly. Just make me feel the threat is a threat.

💙 Septentriones
About the Septentriones themselves... I don't have much to say, but I think it's the same deal as the void, they don't have much impact on characters/scenario... for the most part.

Duhbe, the poison one and Mizar presented actual danger, and the 8th day one was kinda ok as well
So um.. 7/10, you tried your best Polaris. I think your problem resides in wanting to have too many minions. Less but impactful are better than lots that are just Monster of the Week. Keep that in mind next time, ok?

This all resumes in 1 threat that has no danger and another that does... sometimes.
Shoutout to Io because her misery are the scenes where those threats are shown the most. Should've died twice lol

Just kidding, but her parents' death and the whole Lugh thing were real nice, I wish they had made them longer (both the scenes themselves and their effects later on)

The route split was kinda forced/came out of nowhere to me as well, but that's a topic for another day.

💙 Death videos
This is small-ish compared to The Void/Septentriones, but everything is part of the narrative so I will include it as well.

Death clips are another thing that could've been super cool but ended up holding no weight.
They're just "Get vid > Go to 'Jonth Dies' timeslot > Jonth is saved"
I wish more were like Keita's (figuring out where he is) or an improved version of Io's. Make them harder to solve! Make someone dying your fault for not counting your steps instead of because you felt like it!

Because being honest, has anyone had a character die in DeSu2 accidentally? They're stupidly easy to avoid…

What made Laplace mail great is that while you knew who and when was about to die, you still had to go around and make an effort of listening to everyone and trying to figure out how to save them using hints. There was an uncertainty on whenever you would be able to save the person or not.

Death videos… have nothing of that. It's hard to feel scared after seeing someone dying when you know you will save them right after a 5-minute normal battle . Not fun, not immersive..!
I was so excited about them, but they ended up being a let down.

💙 Conclusion + Triangulum
So mix everything and the Septentrione arc felt like a Precure episode. You wake up, destroy the Monster of the Week, go to sleep, repeat.
The start and end of DeSu2 are great, but the middle felt like walking without a clear objective.

Yeah Yeah, the aliens and such, but as i said they barely did anything, so it wasn't impactful or made me curious about them.

Something I liked from the Triangulum arc is how Canopus, Miyako and everything was more present.
You get your character fading out at times, the trapped Triangulum, how 2/3 of said aliens actually interact with the story/environment, the canopus shards (I wish they had appeared irl more often though!), Saiduq hamster ball....

There were constant reminders, both visually and gameplay-wise that there was something very bad going on, and this time it ACTUALLY felt like it.
The game took its time to make sure it affected the gameplay/story instead of only making the characters mention how bad everything was from time to time.
There was more direct engagement, it affected you, your party, the world and you could see it.So with all of that, you get to play with an actual objective and an actual threat.

The Septentrione arc, lacks all of this. Of course “silent threats” is something that can be nice when executed well, but I don't think DeSu2 is fit for it when the dangers are so physical.

...And that's pretty much it!
I think those points are what bugged me, I feel free now...

I still like DeSu2 Sept, but honestly it kinds of feel like a chore to play at times ;o;
The endings, at least the ones I played, are very good, so it's worth it... But the game could've been better!

If they ever made a DeSu3, I hope they take in consideration what they did in the Tri arc if they still want to keep the comedy-ish tone :)
I don't think it breaks the game at all like people say (though I wish they let more characters evolve outside their Fates, same problem as P5...), but they need to make sure the mean aliens are actually mean!

⬅ Look at this guy