26th May 2024
freak 🔥🔥
27th May 2024
aww so airi ended up going to her often after their talk in the sept arc 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
27th May 2024
this is too cute 😭
27th May 2024
of course they had to put a scene of makoto's cringewoman side right after lfhflbf i love her
i wonder of with the him she meant hibiko or yamato tho...
29th May 2024
i always go for miyako since its faster, but decided to go for saiduq this time around instead
it has some nice dialogue
29th May 2024
unsure if this is saiduq's or the usual end battle dialogue
now that i thibk abt it, i always use the same team on all the routes and both games... maybe i should change it a bit sometimes to see all the dialogue tidibits
29th May 2024
(if you offer her your hand)
her dialogue was longer but i forgot to take pics orz
this made me realize i never fought her with the mc before lol
29th May 2024
29th May 2024
I didnt unlock Miyato's route this time around either??? 😭😭
I talked to the twins every time they were available, what I keep doing wrong...?
29th May 2024
Luckly I managed to unlock it on my very first playthru & since I like to keep my first savefile intact as a memory, I can play her route thanks to it.
1) My build + demons suck on it
2) I want to complete the sky...

Its better than not playing it though